Docker Setup

Welcome to the hassle-free world of XDC Network Masternode setup! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to establish your very own XDC Network Masternode using Docker. With just a single bootstrap command, you'll be on your way to participating in the XDC Network and contributing to its growth. Whether you're running CentOS, RedHat Enterprise Linux, or Ubuntu, our guide has got you covered. Let's dive right in!

System Requirements

Before we embark on the journey of setting up your XDC Network Masternode, let's ensure your system meets the following requirements.
Operating System

CentOS or RedHat Enterprise Linux (latest release) or Ubuntu (20.04+) supported


A 64-bit x86_64 processor with a minimum of 6 cores


Minimum 800GB SSD is recommended for the database partition, with 500+ IOPS (more is always better)


You will need at least 32GB of RAM to ensure smooth operation


If you encounter any issues during the setup process, don't worry; we are here to help. Follow these troubleshooting steps:
Collect Information

The first step is to gather all relevant details about the problem you're facing.

Visit Our Forum

Head over to the XDC Network forum at

Create Issue

Create a detailed post outlining your issue. Be sure to include all the information you collected.

Setting up an XDC Network Masternode with Docker on GitHub: A Quick and Easy Guide

Learn how to establish your very own XDC Network masternode using Docker. This straightforward guide will help you set up your masternode efficiently by following the instructions provided in the repository.

Docker Setup Videos

Hands-on guide Docker Setup Videos.
XDC Masternode Setup on MainNet using BootStrap (on AWS)
XDC Masternode Setup on MainNet using Docker (on AWS)

Need More Help?

Seeking help with setting up an XDC masternode? Access XDC documents, ask in the XDC Forum, or join Telegram's Developers community for assistance.